A Successful Business Comes From Being An Authentic You

$100,000 in profit. 1000 members. Crowded class. Every. Time.
That was what I envisioned as a successful business when I owned the first
Crossfit gym in Indonesia. My definition of a successful gym had one or all of the traits mentioned above.
Spoiler alert. None of them ever. happened.
Many of us have different definition of success. Some say that success simply is being able to achieve that you have set out for yourself to be. If you wanted to be a good father, and your children adores you, then you are a success. If you think having a Mercedes Benz means that you are a successful man or woman, then you are a success. But how do you become successful? How do you achieve what you have set yourself up to do?
First, you need to set yourself up.
What do you want to set yourself up to be or to have? When I owned my gym, I wanted it to be the pioneer and the beacon to spread CrossFit throughout Indonesia. I believed in the movement so much that I wanted everyone in my home city, Jakarta, and eventually the whole country to be familiar with what CrossFit is.
And I also wanted to make lots and lots of money.
Guess what?
I was interviewed on TV, we were on magazines, newspaper and coverage of our gym and movement kept on running for days. I got offers from people who wanted to partner, I had people who opened CrossFit gyms on their own (most as competitors, some as affiliates) and 7 years later, most major cities in Indonesia would know what CrossFit was all about.
But I didn’t make much money. In fact, almost every year, we had to pay the $2000 affiliate fee out of my own savings.
I was broke. The gym was broke. And it showed.
The universe is a funny thing. It knows exactly what you want but it will only deliver to you what you need.
Rightfully so. Unless we are prepared to receive the thing that we want, it will not be delivered to us. How do we prepare ourselves to receive what we want? Here’s a few simple steps:
- You must believe that you deserve it
- You must have faith that it will happen
- You must be the person who has it already
Major imagination process. For realz.
I believed that I deserved to be the Father of CrossFit in Indonesia but I didn’t believed that I deserved to have $100,000 owning it or of having a space that is so luxurious that it could only be afforded by people who can afford $200 monthly gym membership.
I received what I believed I deserved. To spread CrossFit in Indonesia.
And I am proud every day that I was able to do that because that is what the universe have delivered to me, for me to learn the beauty of being a catalyst. The role of an early adopter, a mentor, a coach of all coaches and to be respected for the integrity that I have.
To own a successful business is about being authentic to your self, your goals and your wants and needs. Be authentic about who you want to be and have faith that you deserve to have it. And the universe will hand deliver it to your door.