Here’s The Person I Want To Be For 2021.
I want to be rich, I want to be successful, I want to be a parent, I want to be a business owner, I want to own a home, own my dream car, get a girlfriend, find a partner, find a job or find my self. In the beginning of the year, there are so many things that we want for ourselves or for the people we love. This is why a lot of new years start with a resolution, a purpose, an intention to be someone or have something that we have always wanted, or have just realized from the year’s past.
This week has been crazy.
This first week of 2021 has been filled with work assignments, doctor appointments, side hustle projects and multiple ideas of what I can do with my week. It’s almost like everything that I wished for to happen in 2021 from 2020 just dropped into this first week of the year.
The universe works like that.
Ask and you will receive. It does not know how to titrate what you want to receive across the year. The universe does not have an auto credit system that will split the opportunities you ask for quarterly, monthly or even weekly. The universe does not have a calendar or a schedule.
When it rains, it pours.
This has been proven true with almost everything that happens in my life. When I asked for a job that can increase the quality of my life, I received multiple job offers. When I request for more patience, I get the opportunity to wait for the things that I need. When I request for the opportunity to improve my side hustle, I get new connections, new referrals and new projects that I could barely handle this week.
The universe sends you everything that you need. It is all up to you how you respond to it.
The rate of success that you seek in your life depends on how you respond to it.
You can respond with overwhelm, you can give up, you can decide that you don’t deserve it or you can respond with calmness, patience and acceptance. You can decide that you deserve to receive everything that you have and be thankful for it. You can also decide that anything and everything that is given to you, will be taken care of to the best of your ability.
The best of your ability is the best that you can do.
Beyond that, you can only strive to be the best that you can be.

Be Happy
This is easier said than done. I get it. Most often than not, the moment I tell someone else to be happy or to be grateful for the situation that you are in, during this pandemic, it is also to reassure myself that I am happy and grateful. It’s not easy to feel grateful and happy for the situation that you are in today with the unclear picture of the future that we all see. But we can all strive to be happy-er than we were yesterday. We can try to do things that makes us happy, even when we are just at home. We can try to change our perspective by realizing that what we are worried about, that makes us unhappy, is not that big of a deal, to realize that we are still alive, still healthy, still supported and still here … in this moment where we can change our mind.
Be Kind
I know that kindness shows itself differently to each of us. To me, being kind means being forgiving, being at ease and doing something that makes the other person feel good about themselves. The action behind being kind will also be received differently by different people. The only thing we can focus on when being kind is our intention. What and how do we feel when we are performing kindness. It can only happen from within. The only authentic way we can be kind is when we also feel kindness within ourselves. Are we being kind to ourselves? Do we forgive ourselves for the mistakes we made in the past, are we patient with ourselves, do we put ourselves at ease with the decisions that we make and what do we do to make ourselves feel good? The more you take care of you, the more authentic you will be at being kind to others.
Be Generous
Growing up, I was taught that being generous only meant one thing … giving money or things to those in need. For a lot of us, this is still the easiest way to be generous. Set money aside for charity, give donations to food banks and clothes or toys to the Salvation Army. All of these places have made it really easy for us to give and to be generous. But have you ever thought about what it feels like to be generous? When you are giving, do you feel relieved because you are giving something away? As a Catholic, we are taught that being generous means to give your time, talent and treasure. I still need to learn a lot about giving my talent to the church, but I’ve learned that being generous typically is giving something that we are not comfortable giving. Cutting a check is not good enough. You must think of something that you have, that you are not quite willing to let go, or afraid to let go, to give to others who can appreciate it. I hope that 2021 will give me the courage to do this. And for you to find your courage as well.
Be Good
There are no good or bad, there just is. We have read about this many times in the personal development world. We are also taught that judging something as good or bad is a decision that we make in our own head. There are no good or bad, there just is. The life we live in, and the moments within it is just happening because it is happening for the highest good. Regardless of what or how you feel about this statement, there is one thing I know for sure. I know what good feels like. You know what good feels like. It feels … wonderful. You don’t need to be judged good or bad to feel good. You just have to make a decision that feels right in your own body. And then share that feeling to others around you.
Be Honest
Have you ever had that feeling of guilt, when you are being dishonest? Maybe to some of you this may feel corny, because what is a small white lie? How do you even determine when a lie is small or big, black or white? In my experience, it all depends on how we feel about ourselves when we are creating or expressing a lie. That could be a lie to someone you know, or to a stranger, but especially when you are lying to yourself. Our body and our mind is a marvelous piece of our existence. When you are being dishonest, your body will tell you and your mind will remind you. If you listen close enough, you will know even before you do it. In this new year of 2021, I’d like to encourage you to be honest not only in your actions but with how you feel. If you can change your perspective, your lens on the way you see things, not by what you do (right or wrong, truth or lie) but based on how your body feels, then you will always be honest to yourself and to everyone around you. It is not what you do to others that defines your honesty, it’s what you are doing for yourself, that is.
Be You.
We have arrived to the most important person you can be for 2021 and for years after that. You. If you can just focus on being who you are and what you want to do, by setting your own positive intention that satisfies you and other people around you, then all of the other “Be’s” above will be taken care of. With the help of social media platform, so many of us yearn to be like other people, to experience more, to have more and to look more like other people we see on the internet. While we are still allowed to work from home, be with our families, advised to be outdoors with nature, let’s understand and appreciate what we have, what we experience and who we are. Appreciate what we have become and be the most important person in the universe … you.